Archive | January, 2012

Tour of California Santa Cruz Stage – Help Maura Noel Finance the Race Stage!

16 Jan

Maura Noel believes that the Amgen Tour of California belongs in Santa Cruz County, and she holds this belief despite a nearly complete lack of official support. When the second leg of the 800-mile, high-profile bicycle race concludes May 14 somewhere in the county, it will do so mainly because Noel was willing to put her money where her mouth is – if she can’t raise enough money to pay for it, Noel has personally guaranteed to pay for the race….

HELP MAURA stay out of “debtor’s prison” by contributing here!

But to get the county to host the race, Noel made a startling guarantee. If she couldn’t raise enough money to pay for police staff, road closures and other costs, she would do it from her own pocket – first offering the county her retirement savings as a guarantee.

Read the full story  in the Santa Cruz Sentinel, here!

Maura Noel